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Anal Fissures: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Do you have a clue about anal fissures? How anal fissures can now be easily treated with the help of the best fissure clinic near me?

So, do you want to get aware of this phenomenal topic? We are here to help you with the perfect understanding of anal fissures and how laser treatment proves the best for this disease.

Let us go through the entire blog and get the best information out of it.

Anal Fissures and Its Signs

A minor or small tear or cut in the lining of the anus is known as an anal fissure. This is a painful disease accompanied by bloodshed.

There are some signs or symptoms that work like an alert alarm for the patients. Let us find out the following symptoms below,

  • Bleeding anus
  • Pain in the rectal area
  • Crack in the skin
  • Small lump
  • Itchiness in the area
  • Pain during bowel movement

Causes of Anal Fissures

Have you ever thought of the reason that causes this disease to occur? If not, read the following causes of anal fissures,

  • Reduced blood flow to the anal area/region
  • Frequent passing of large and hard stools
  • Anal sphincter is tight
  • Heavy weightlifting
  • Straining quite much during bowel movements

Laser Treatment for Anal Fissures

A successful development in the healthcare sector is laser treatments. The anal fissure doesn’t require any painful surgeries, laser has brought immense transformation in the treatment process.

The traditional methods used to use surgical equipment in the process of anal fissures. This makes patients scared of operations.

But nowadays, with the increasing awareness of laser fissure treatment near me, people have become relaxed and cool about the surgery as well as their disease.

During the process of laser surgery for fissures, the incisions are made using the laser. This process is known as Laser Sphincterotomy.

The best laser treatment for anal fissures helps the tight sphincter muscles to relax, and proceed to heal at a faster pace.

The laser is proved beneficial for the patients due to these reasons,

  • It is an affordable treatment and is less costly than the conventional surgeries
  • Laser treatment for fissures in Delhi is quite successful
  • Laser surgery helps the patients heal at a faster pace
  • The minimally invasive procedure of laser makes the patients get comfortable surgery without using horrifying surgical equipment for incisions.
  • Getting treated with laser surgery is quite safe and doesn’t involve any side effects after the procedure
  • No deaths are being recorded after laser treatments
  • These are the bloodless and painless surgeries that prove to be the best for the patients

The Conclusion

The bottom line says that laser treatment is the best to be availed for anal fissures. This makes patients heal better, and get discharged within two days of the surgery. So, choose the best laser clinic and have an awesome surgery regime.

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