Laser Training

Laser Surgery For Piles – Why Should You Consider It?

laser treatment for piles

Piles, also referred to as hemorrhoids, are swollen veins that develop inside (internal) or around the anus (external). While external hemorrhoids can cause excruciating pain, internal hemorrhoids can be very dangerous. This painful condition develops when the tissues that are protecting the anal region get inflamed and the anal passage gets stretched, thin and irritated during a bowel movement. In India, a whopping 75% of the population suffers from piles. Across the globe, the prevalence of piles is about 50 to 85%.

What are the causes of piles?

Piles can be caused due to the following reasons:

  • Pregnancy
  • Lifting heavy weights
  • Chronic constipation
  • Stress
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Anal intercourse
  • Lack of fiber diet and also less liquid intake
  • Obesity

What are the signs of piles and when should you call a doctor?

The common symptoms of piles are:

  • Painful bowel movements and intense itching around the anus
  • Lump or swelling near the anus
  • Leakage of stool
  • Pain and irritation around the anus and bleeding during or after bowel movements

If you notice these signs, you’re probably suffering from piles. When the pain is bearable, people usually avoid medical intervention. However, you are recommended to call Your Laser Experts the minute you notice bleeding from your anus or you are experiencing unbearable pain.

After you’ve had a rectal examination and you know that you have piles, your possible treatment options include sclerotherapy, hemorrhoidectomy and hemorrhoid stapling. But, these traditional treatments are quickly falling behind with the rise of laser surgery for piles. This minimally invasive surgery is preferred over open surgery and below we have briefly explained why.

The Procedure Of piles treatment by laser

A surgical procedure is typically recommended for either shrinking or removing hemorrhoids quickly. Even though traditional surgical options are still used, laser treatment is becoming an increasingly popular choice. At Laser 360 Clinic, we focus on providing top-notch piles treatment by laser in Delhi NCR as well as enhancing your surgery experience as a patient. This is a minimally invasive treatment and patients can resume work within just 2 to 3 days of the surgery.

Why is laser treatment preferred?

An increasing number of patients are opting for laser treatment in Delhi. This procedure is convenient for both doctors and patients. By using the best quality laser equipment, our highly-qualified surgeons can pinpoint the exact tissue that has to be treated. The tissues surrounding it are not disturbed.

Patients prefer this treatment over conventional surgical options because zero bleeding is involved and also it is easier to quickly recover. There is little to no pain during the surgery.

What are the benefits of laser treatment for piles?

  • You will not feel a lot of pain during the procedure
  • Hospitalization is not a criterion for laser surgery and you might be discharged on the same day
  • Compared to conventional surgical options, laser treatment is much safer and guarantees a quicker recovery
  • The chances of medical complications during the procedure are negligible
  • The blood vessels in the anal region are sealed off during the laser surgery procedure, and therefore, you will not experience a lot of bleeding

With so many wonderful benefits, laser surgery for piles is definitely an option that you should consider to rid yourself of the pain. For more information, contact Laser 360 Clinic. We specialize in laser treatment for piles in Delhi NCR.

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