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Something You Should Know about Piles Types and Treatment

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Do you strain while passing stool? Do your toilet paper show blood stains? Or do you take long hours in the toilet? If these are the conditions, then you are suffering from piles.

These are the inflamed veins in the anus, that prove quite discomforting and painful. But the best part is the laser clinic. It provides the patients with immense help.

Perfect laser surgery for piles has been a for the sufferers. The patients feel blessed to have laser surgeries.

Now, let us move further and know more about this issue in detail.

Types of Hemorrhoids

There are three types of hemorrhoids that contain symptoms accordingly. Check out the types of hemorrhoids below,

Internal Hemorrhoids

These types of hemorrhoids are present inside the anus and are less discomforting. This type of pile cannot be seen or felt.

These hemorrhoids are painful if straining during bowel movements, but bleeding is there in these piles.

Laser treatments can effectively cure any of the hemorrhoids in a single go.

External Hemorrhoids

Located under the skin of the anus, these hemorrhoid types can cause throbbing pain, discomfort, bleeding, itching, and irritation, in the anal area.

Thrombosed Hemorrhoids

A hard lump in the anal region, inflammation, swelling, and worsening pain in this case. During this type of hemorrhoid, blood moves into external hemorrhoid and forms a clot.

This makes the case severe, and laser treatment is quite important in this case.

Treatment for Piles through Laser

Piles are a dreadful disease, and laser treatment for piles has made it quite comfortable for patients to have proper surgery.

The painless methods of laser clinics are making patients inclined toward laser surgery. This involves a minimally invasive procedure that is performed with a laser beam. None of the surgical equipment is used during the laser treatment for piles.

Surgeons deliver laser energy on the tissues of hemorrhoids, which results in shrinking the tissues, hence the process of falling of the tissue is started.

This helps in improving the healing process at a faster pace. The piles laser treatment has a high success rate, and no deaths are recorded during this procedure.

This is a safe procedure and no side effects are found in the patients after having laser piles surgery.

With the painless and bloodless treatments, this process has washed away the pain caused by the traditional methods of surgery and made patients inclined towards it.

The Conclusion

The bottom line says that laser surgery for hemorrhoids has been a great development in medical science that has immensely supported suffering patients at the best affordable cost of surgery. So, choose the right clinic of laser and have the perfect treatment.

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